Peter Kubelka: The Edible Metaphor

Peter Kubelka: The Edible Metaphor
- Date
- Feb 12th 2006
- With
- Peter Kubelka
In the view of legendary Austrian avantgarde filmmaker
and art philosopher Peter Kubelka, everybody who makes films should also cook. For Peter Kubelka cooking is performing art, and a meal is the ancestral
sculpture of mankind cooking is the origin of culture, as the mother of all arts. Food, exactly like popular art, constitutes a means of communication. For Peter Kubelka, prepared food is a medium to express thoughts and feelings.
In The Edible Metaphor Peter Kubelka will perform one of his famous food and art lectures. Philosophically substantiated and marvellously entertaining, this scenic
and improvised lecture offers new ways of regarding
something that in every-day-life too often becomes a robotic act of routine: cooking.
Peter Kubelka
Fusing film, cuisine, writing, architecture and music, he has been at the cutting edge of avantgarde cinema since the 1950's. He is the co-founder of the Austrian film museum, and had a professorship of film and cuisine.