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Carte Blanche: Crossroads in Curation

Carte Blanche: Crossroads in Curation

Feb 26th 2020
Fatma Çolakoğlu , Claire Diao, María Berríos moderated by Djamila Grandits
Four female curators set out to rethink old habits. Forming a spontaneous collective for this carte-blanche session, programmers of the Berlin Biennale, the Viennese CineCollective, Cannes' Quinzaine des Réalisateurs and SALT in Istanbul rewrite the selection criteria behind the curation of art and film. Aware of the many barriers the contemporary art world erects, they pull together to rework the balance of culture between global North and South. Collective curation is an effective solution: new experiences in art take shape when traditional decision-making is cast aside. The opportunity to refute interpretations and practises that pay lip service to conventional national or gendered narratives is then within reach.

Djamila Grandits

Djamila Grandits is a Vienna-based curator and film programmer. Part of CineCollective and D—Arts. Currently working on the pre-selection committee of Berlinale Panorama and as member of the non-fiction commission of Zürcher Filmstiftung. Previously programmed with Diagonale, DOK Leipzig, Kasseler Dokfest, sixpackfilm and tricky women - tricky realities. Djamila cares about entanglements and the exploration of collective spaces.
© Kaleidoskop

Fatma Çolakoğlu

Fatma Çolakoğlu has been a curator for exhibitions, film and video art for 15 years now. In 2005, she established the film department of the Istanbul Modern - Museum of Contemporary Art. Subsequently, she was responsible for the film and video programme of Pera Film and headed the communications department of the Pera Museum in Istanbul. Today, she is the associate director for research and programming at SALT in Istanbul.
© Cağlayan Çevik

Claire Diao

Claire Diao is a French-Burkinabè film critic and distributor. She founded the short film program Quartiers Lointains in 2013, the Pan-African film critic magazine AWOTELE in 2015, and the sales and distribution company Sudu Connexion in 2016. Awarded for her essay Double Vague, le nouveau souffle du cinéma français (Au Diable Vauvert, ed. 2017), she collaborates with Clermont-Ferrand, Fespaco, Durban Talents and the Lincoln Center.
© Nathalie Guyon

María Berríos

María Berríos is a sociologist, writer, independent curator, and co-founder of the Chilean editorial collective vaticanochico. Her work traverses art, culture and politics with a special interest in the collective experiments of the Third World movement and their exhibition formats in the 1960s and 70s.
© Nikolaj Thaning Rentzmann