A division of Kulturveranstaltungen des Bundes in Berlin GmbH
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Visiting Our Website
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Instagram Ticket Giveaway: Terms & Conditions of Participation
(1) Organizers of the competitions are Berlinale Talents, Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin, Potsdamer Platz 11, 10785 Berlin, Deutschland, a division of Kulturveranstaltungen des Bundes in Berlin (KBB) GmbH, Schöneberger Straße 15, 10963 Berlin, in short: "organizer".
The raffle is not affiliated with Meta / Instagram and is not sponsored or organized by Meta / Instagram in any way. The responsible people are the organizers alone. All questions, comments or complaints about the competition must be addressed to the organizers ( Participation in the raffle is only possible under the conditions of participation listed here. By participating in the competition, the participant expressly acknowledges these terms and conditions. The organizers reserve the right to cancel or terminate the competition at any time.
(2) Raffle begins with a post promoting the respective raffle and will end at the time stated in that same post.
(3) You can win tickets to stated Berlinale Talents event as described in post.
(4) Participation is open to persons who are at least 18 years old and are able to attend the respective event. Employees of the organizers and their relatives are excluded from participation.
(5) The registration for the raffle takes place via liking the post, following Berlinale Talents, and tagging someone in a comment underneath the respective post.
(6) The selected winner will be notified by Direct Message on Instagram. They must reply to the message to confirm attendance within two hours of receipt. If they do not reply within the designated timeframe, the organizers reserve the right to select another winner. This is due to organisational necessity. The organizers are in no way bound to the first selected winner if they do not fulfill these conditions.
(7) Comments that violate the Instagram guidelines, German law, our netiquette and / or the copyright will be removed without notice. The participant is thus excluded from the raffle.
(8) No cash disbursement and/or an replacement of the prizes is possible, recourse to the courts is not permitted.
Responsible according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Tobias Pausinger, Nikola Joetze
Amy Leonard
Coordination and development:
Matthias Campe
Concept and design:
State, Berlin
Technical Implementation:
Matthias Campe & GmbH
All Rights © Berlin International Film Festival
Potsdamer Platz 1110785 Berlin
Content is subject to change