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Medien­board Berlin-Branden­burg

A principal partner since the beginning, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg helped initiate Berlinale Talents and continues to provide invaluable support to the programme and its Short Form Station in particular. As the first port of call for professionals in Berlin and Brandenburg's creative industries, Medienboard is responsible for film funding and media business development in the capital region.

In addition to the Short Form Station, Medienboard supports talks and workshops focusing on international productions including series made in Berlin and Brandenburg, and on the latest industry innovations and formats. By hosting Talents alums and experts from across the region, these events allow Berlinale Talents participants to connect with relevant practitioners and decision-makers. Medienboard, in conjunction with the Nipkow Progamm and the Berlinale, also intiated Berlin Film Residencies; a portal which offers an overview of various scholarships available to filmmakers in and from Berlin. They include the Berlin Artist-in-Residence (Berlin AiR) programme, Nipkow Programm and the Haus am See scholarship. Last but certainly not least, Medienboard supports the Berlinale Series Market, an initiative of the European Film Market, the Berlinale Co-Production Market and Berlinale Talents.

We look forward to working together again in the upcoming edition in 2025.

Find out more about Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg here

Words of Welcome 2025

"Dear Film Talents, 

It’s MUSIC TO OUR EARS: The 23rd edition of Berlinale Talents is about to begin! Make sure to keep your EARS open in the next 6 days, attending inspiring talks, panel discussions and networking events! 

It is your moment to mingle, exchange ideas with 200 upcoming Film Talents from all over the world and open the way for future collaborations. But also, to get inspired by the City of Berlin, its freedom and creativity, the SOUND of its streets, history, or famous clubs! 

In times of dissonance, UNDERSTANDING is more needed than ever. Through brave LISTENING we can uncover common ground. The power of cinema lies in its ability to reveal humanity in its rawest form, urging us to open our hearts and minds.

Medienboard warmly welcomes you at Berlinale Talents! We are delighted to support this prominent program since its very beginning. Looking forward to attending many of its events and – finally: meet you!"

Lilla Puskas
Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg

Lilla Puskas © Medienboard
Lilla Puskas © Medienboard
Medienboard's Lilla Puskas with Florian Weghorn,  Sophie Linnenbaum, Laura Klippe and Nikola at Berlinale Talents 2024 Opening Ceremony.
Medienboard's Lilla Puskas with Florian Weghorn, Sophie Linnenbaum, Laura Klippe and Nikola at Berlinale Talents 2024 Opening Ceremony.
Participants of the Short Form Station 2024 at their presentations at the EFM.
Participants of the Short Form Station 2024 at their presentations at the EFM.