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Talents Footprints: How to Grassroot

Feb 27th 2020
HAU3 - Top Floor
Dorothee Wenner, Susanne Ewenstein, Rabea Koss moderated by Christine Tröstrum, Jared Fryer

Supported by the German Federal Foreign Office.

Starting your own community cinema, turning movie-making greener, or combatting gender inequalities in society can be draining. It's time to give something back to the dozens of Talents, alumni and Berliners with social, ecological or innovative tech projects in progress. As part of our new sustainability initiative “Talents Footprints”, young creatives with grassroot projects in South Africa, Brazil and Iran share tools and first-hand experiences with committed experts from Olafur Eliasson's Little Sun Foundation, the Humboldt Forum and other NGO's. In case studies followed by open discussions, you can learn how your social and environmental ventures can live an impactful life. Believe us, changing the world is better done together!

Christine Tröstrum

Christine Tröstrum is a cultural manager, organisational developer, trainer and coach. She has been in charge of Berlinale Talents since 2004 and in 2014 was joined by Florian Weghorn, with whom she has been co-running it ever since. Christine has worked in the international film and media industry for more than two decades and, among many achievements, was responsible for pioneering digital projects in the film industry and the animation co-production market Cartoon Movie in Babelsberg. She has been supporting companies in the areas of strategy, leadership and change management for many years, and since 2021 is a Managing Partner in the academy and consultancy biniasz und partner.
© Alexander Janetzko

Jared Fryer

Jared Fryer is a Berlin-based writer, director, editor and performer. After becoming well-acquainted with the Los Angeles film business while attending UCLA, he returned to his native England where he worked for several years as a freelancer. Armed with this experience, he founded Cinema Jam, a London-based international organisation that for six years hosted intimate film industry events with some of the biggest names in the UK film business.

Dorothee Wenner

Dorothee Wenner is a filmmaker, film curator and writer based in Berlin. She serves as delegate to Berlin International Film Festival for the Subsahara-Africa region, as external curator at Humboldt Forum for film/cinema and others. Since inception in 2005, Dorothee belongs to the jury of Lagos based African Movie Academy Awards. Her latest work as a filmmaker was the web-series "Kinshasa Collection".

Susanne Ewenstein

Susanne is the Project Manager at Little Sun Foundation. After being a Little Sun representative in South Africa for several years, Susanne has recently joined the Little Sun team in Berlin to look after the foundation’s impact projects in Africa. She works together with local partners to bring solar light and phone charging to refugee camps and to students in areas with no reliable power.

Rabea Koss

Rabea Koss is the Communications Director of Berlin-based global project Little Sun, founded by world-renowned artist Olafur Eliasson. Launched in 2012 at London’s Tate Modern, Little Sun brings clean, reliable, affordable energy to the 1.1 billion people in the world living without electricity while raising awareness for energy access and climate action worldwide through school workshops, artistic activities and creative campaigns. She also serves as spokesperson for Klimanotstand Berlin, a local citizen’s initiative which led to Berlin recognizing the climate emergency in December 2019.