Born in Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso, Kandolo Annick Rachel has been a journalist since 2007 and a film critic. Graduated in Journalism from the University of Ouagadougou Pr Joseph Ki-Zerbo, she has, among other things, directed Gambidi radio while assisting Pr Jean Pierre Gingané. She also worked as a journalist-image reporter (JRI) on BF1 television until December 2015. Currently working as a freelancer, she is also a journalism trainer and co-founder of Produtions Phares ( structure of journalistic productions and training-Consulting). After having contributed to the collective work "10 films from Africa" published in October 2019, under the direction of François Fronty, she has been, since August 2020, vice-president of the Association of Cinema Critics of Burkina Faso. (ASCRIC-B). For three years, she has been editor-in-chief of the online Burkinabe magazine dedicated to cinema, Avant-Première, available on the sulunsuku.com platform.